Our first dive is at the crescent-moon shaped Molokini Crater, a volcanic crater about 20min offshore. For more information about this area click here. The current is strong and we plan a drift dive. The idea is to let the current do all the work, to relax and look out for the BIG fish - white tipped reef sharks, turtles and rays.
The endemic Hawaiian Dascyllus below:
The endemic Spotfin Scorpionfish below (if you can find it!):

Our second dive was at the wreck of an old WWII landing craft that was now a multi-coloured reef. In rusted out holes you could find hidden fish, eels and spiny urchins.
The endemic Garden Eels below burrow into the sand and then slowly raise their heads out up to 3ft to feed on zooplankton:
If you do find yourself in the lucky situation of being in Maui, take a chance to explore the unique world underwater. I would highly recommend Ed Robinson's Diving Adventures. I was amazed at the level of service they provided: perfectly brewed coffee, knowledgeable dive masters who take the time to show you lots of different sea life, an opportunity to just relax as they take care of eveything! You can find there details here. To find out more about the endemic sea life of Hawaii click here.
*Photos courtesy of Maui Scuba.
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